Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eight Days In

Today marks my eighth day of acupuncture school. And as I sit and reflect on the past week - I'm not sure how I feel about it. There are parts of me that are very excited about the possibilities and opportunities that exist in the future. Another part of me very much wants my old life back! I miss the familiarity, I miss the routine, I miss my family, friends and clients. AND more than anything I miss the love of my life!

I think some of this is just frustration. On Monday, Roger found out that he did not get the job we were hoping for here in Santa Fe. In fact the headhunter he has been working with, felt the need to share with him that the hiring manager, "Didn't like his personality and that they would rather leave the position open rather than make a bad hire". REALLY??? Was it necessary to share this hurtful information? What good was gained by any of it? I just don't get some people, sometimes! So now we sit and wait and pray! And know that it will all unfold in God's time.

The church that I have been attending here has been very supportive and have put Roger on their prayer chain. Pastor Carpenter said they would work on "praying him in", which I found so cool. Zia Methodist has been a source of great warmth and friendship. Pastor Kay has preached and preached at First Indianola about "Radical Hospitality", I'm starting to think that this phrase may just have been invented here in New Mexico. Nearly EVERYWHERE I have been people have a great ability with hospitality. It's amazing. So I guess for now...I just need to be! I need to relax into this new state of being for myself. I need to explore these feelings, frustrations and excitements and learn to embrace this moment. I used to have a sign on my treatment room wall that I need to revisit...It said, "Enjoy this Moment for this Moment is Your Life!"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Such a Little Life

After two days of class and multiple introductions and chances to tell our stories at acupuncture school....I'm wondering if I have lived a big enough life to be here. There are 15 people in my class, 10 of us are "starting from the start" the others have done some sort of acupuncture training in other states and will be taking classes to meet the requirements for New Mexico licensure. And they all have a varied and colorful past.

One young woman (I'm guessing still a teen) has lived most of her life in India and found acupuncture here "destiny" as she comes from a family of healers. She has spent most of her life being medically cared for by naturopathy and acupuncture - it is essentially her life.

Another student is a man I'm guessing to be in his 40s - lived in a Zen Temple in Japan for a number of years. He told me that he has always had a zen way of life and said that at four years old a family friend asked him to go hunting. His response to this friend, "I'm not supposed to kill anything in this lifetime." My do you have this kind of direction at 4?

One of the women just finished Acupuncture school in New Jersey recently and opened her practice. Two weeks ago, she said she decided she wanted to move to Santa Fe and get licensed here. She's back in school to study the chinese herbs. IN 2 WEEKS TIME, SHE MADE THIS DECISION!!! WHAT!! She's very colorful! She's thinking of moving to a place about 45 miles away from Santa Fe, in the middle of nowhere!!!! Oh My Gosh - I can't imagine living in the wilderness as she is thinking about. There's coyotes out there - ya know!!!

And today, I visited with another young man in my class who is a chemist and has invented some sort of solvent that cyclists use. He's patented this solvent and it's on the inventor no less. He's also a new father. His baby boy was at the school with him for awhile today is 9 weeks old and absolutely adorable! I asked the child's name and he said something like "Tasaki" - who is a Hindi Deity, who rides a tiger backwards, has 10 arms, 10 legs and carries swords to fight off his enemies. I tried to google this Deity - but couldn't quite figure it out!!!!

One woman state that the first half of her life, she was a "selective mute". Since that time she has lived in multiple cities, including New York and is a weaver, artist and grows her own food. She is happy to be back in New Mexico and is working the soil on her farm.

And this is just a small snapshot of my classmates - so I say, what have I done with my life? Yes, I served in the military and yes, I've been a massage therapist for many years and hope that I have touched a lot of lives with this work. But I don't feel nearly as interesting or colorful as some of these stories. I hadn't anticipated this part of the journey! And at the same time, I think all of this diversity is what makes the journey so powerful. I hope that where some of my classmates are light and airy, I can be the stabilizer; where they are intellectual, I can be the voice of reason and together we can be the Yin & Yang!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Our God has a sense of humor!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not one to sit around on my laurels. I have always been on the go and busy. And has changed drastically. Five weeks ago, I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico to begin acupuncture school. I have had 5 weeks of nothing to do. Oh, don't get me wrong, I had an apartment to unpack, a new city to discover and all the amenities to locate - but essentially there was not a lot on my plate. In that time, I've learned to watch hummingbirds, greet the sun as it comes up over the Sangre de Christo Mountains and basically breathe. I think all of this is in preparation for the start of acupuncture school.

In 2 days, I will attend my first class at Southwest Acupuncture College. Lo' and behold - that very first class will be Tai Ji. Oh, I'm sure that God is sitting up there having a good laugh about this! How in the world did this happen? I've tried Tai Ji once before and thought I would go crazy! As I was learning before, I just kept thinking...'can we speed this up, I've got things to do!' AND I know that this is kind of defeating the purpose, so now I have the opportunity to give it another try. I wonder if they have Summer School for Tai Ji. Well - I just have to giggle about this and put my best foot forward. This is such a great opportunity and I am very excited about this new phase of my life.